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    5 ways to get your boiler ready for winter

    The weather has stayed fairly mild as we have moved through autumn but over the past few weeks winter has definitely started showing its face in the UK, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a cold one. With the economic crisis continuing to affect households across the country, more people are resisting turning their heating on until it’s truly needed. But even if you only intend to use it sparingly, it’s important to know that your boiler will work at maximum efficiency when you need it to. That’s why in this article, we’ll be looking at the 5 key ways you can get your boiler ready for winter.  

    Test the boiler 

    After a long spring and summer of not being used, the first thing you should do when getting your boiler ready for winter is to test it. Before the cold weather fully sets in, it’s a good idea to switch your boiler on and let it run for a few hours. This will give you enough time to establish whether everything is functioning as it should and if not, there is time to have it fixed before you really need it.  

    It might be that your engineer needs to order boiler replacement parts for the boiler due to certain areas not working properly. It’s only by testing it first would you have known that which will save you time, money and stress compared to if the boiler broke down during winter.  


    Bleed your radiators 

    During the winter, your radiators are just as important as your boiler for keeping your home heated and comfortable. By bleeding your radiators ahead of the cold weather, you can ensure that your central heating system is operating efficiently. This is because radiators can sometimes have air trapped in them, which leads to them becoming cold at the bottom and reduces the overall output of the system. You can learn more about cold radiators and how to fix them in our guide ‘How to fix radiators that are cold at the bottom’. Bleeding your radiators ahead of the cold weather will make sure they’re fully ready to work at maximum efficiency, which will help to save you money on your bills as well as keep you warm.  


    Stay up to date on your boiler service 

    One of the best ways to prepare your boiler for winter is by getting it serviced. Your boiler should be serviced annually to keep it in the best possible condition and extend its lifespan as much as possible. Also, any potential issues will be caught and resolved early, which could save you money in the long run as the problem won’t worsen and cause a break down.  

    A serviced boiler will give you peace of mind that your heating system is ready for the winter and minimising energy waste, resulting in a lower cost on your energy bills. In addition, getting your boiler serviced can be essential to maintaining the validity of your boiler warranty.  


    Insulate your pipes 

    Another way you can get your boiler and heating system ready for winter is by insulating your pipes. This is because any remaining water that is produced during the condensing process can freeze if the temperature drops, which in turn can stop your boiler from working. The best way to prevent your pipes from freezing is by insulating them and keeping your heating at a higher temperature throughout the cold snap. However, if you do experience frozen condensate pipes you can defrost them by pouring tepid water over them.  


    Check your boiler pressure 

    Your boiler pressure gauge should generally sit between 1 and 1.5 and keeping an eye on this ahead of winter is extremely important. Low pressure can have a big impact on your boiler’s efficiency, especially during the winter when your usage is going to be higher. As a result, you could end up paying significantly more than you should be on your heating bills.  

    If the pressure drops too low, you can easily fill it using your filling loop. If your boiler pressure is too high, bleeding your radiators can help. If you continually have issues with your boiler pressure, contact a gas safe engineer as soon as possible, ahead of the cold weather. 

    Buy boiler spare parts UK 

    Looking after your boiler in the winter is paramount to ensure you’re never stuck without heating or hot water. If you find you do have an issue with your boiler and you need boiler spares and parts to be fitted by an engineer, National Boiler Spares can help. We stock a wide range of parts for many boiler brands and models so you can find exactly what you need at an affordable price. Shop online today and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.